August 15, 2016Comments are off for this post.

Protected: Case study: NBC Local Redesign

November 4, 2014Comments are off for this post.

Protected: Redesigning BPAC (2013-2014)

November 4, 2014Comments are off for this post.

Protected: Kronkite App Design Process

February 27, 2013Comments are off for this post.


So it's 2013, and I felt it was time for an overhaul of my portfolio and site. This is still not the final version of it, but I'm pretty happy with the current state of it. I'm hoping to get the full redesign finalized by mid-spring or sooner.

For the past few months I've been using my Dribbble account as a sort of temporary portfolio, showing works in progress and other things I've been toying with. I still plan to be very active there and plan to only post completed work on this site.

With that said, welcome. I hope you enjoy my work and the ideas I plan to share here on my blog, and reach out and share yours if anything catches your eyes.

Here's to 2013.